The Africa Dialogue Series, which was previously referred to as “Africa Week,” will serve as a platform to find ways to maintain and promote peace, security, human rights, and all forms of development on the African continent. This dialogue series is designed to be interactive, inclusive, and diverse. People from all walks of life are expected to be in attendance and given a platform to share. High-level African representatives, member states, civil society, the private sector, and members of the diaspora will have liberty to share their thoughts, experiences, and hopes for the future.
The Africa Dialogue Series 2018 is set to occur on the 15th anniversary of the OSAA establishment - during a time both the United Nations and African Union were going through major reforms. The series will also provide the opportunity to share the Office’s new strategies and directions with stakeholders and partners.
The 2018 Series will also feature special tributes to former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and President Nelson Mandela, both who dedicated their lives to African development, peace, security, reconciliation, and human rights.
“ Dedicated towards building a better tomorrow ”