The United Nations established September 8th as International Literacy Day. This day was put in place as a way for governments, civil society and stakeholders to celebrate improvements in literacy rates around the world, and address any challenges present. Literacy is a key point of the of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and the UN's 2030 Agenda.
The SDGs advocate for global access to diverse learning opportunities and quality education. The fourth Sustainable Development Goal highlights that all youth need to be given the chance to acquire sufficient literacy and numeracy skills, and all adults who do not have these skills need opportunities to acquire this knowledge.
The 2018 theme is “Literacy and skills development.” Although significant progress has been made, literacy challenges are still present in most communities. As times passes, literacy skills required to succeed in society evolve at a rapid pace. This year's theme encourages finding different methods to ensure that all people have access to gaining the needed literacy skills to succeed. The day also focuses on skills required for various careers, particularly in technical fields.
“ Dedicated towards building a better tomorrow ”